i'm having life yang simple and c0mplicated and relax and serabut and happy and sad and full 0f excitement and kuciwa..and i treat them as go0d as i can be~
t0 be the best 0f me~struggle!!!!~
neh ada keja kos0ng kat c0mpany aku sekarang..sapa nak try, try la..tapi interview dia bley tahan..
p kat encik go0gle bin ahmad kassim..type 0megain..pastu click kat link telec0m system integrati0n tu~
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Saturday, January 23, 2010
lalalala..kerja!!hari hari kerja!!~
gila dah berkulat dah page ni rupanya..berbulan x bukak~huhu..bukan tak dan nak bukak..bukan malas..kurang rajen sket ja..~
se7en m0nths already..talking b0ut' my career, aku x rasa aku achieved apa2 kat KLIA nih..ja0h gila lagi nak sampai target aku..b0san gila~sebab tu la aku accept 0ffer tu..s0ri b0ss~huhu..tapi aku bukan nak t0uch pasal tu..aku nak cakap pasal getting a JOB~
based 0n experience aku la (yang baru ja nak blaja id0p ni)..f0r student la, cam aku dulu 2 0r 3 months ahead bef0re abes study..aku dah start t0 send 0ut resume..unless la hangpa suma terer, p0inter gedabak punya excellent..keja yang cari hangpa..~huhu
s0, what i've d0ne;
br0wse j0bstreet + j0bsdb + jobsmalaysia = send CV & cover letter + apply + tawakkal...eq. (1)
search company based on type of business, location etc.;
from eq. (2) and eq. (3); it can be said that if and only if
subst. eq. (2)*(3) into eq. (1);
se7en m0nths already..talking b0ut' my career, aku x rasa aku achieved apa2 kat KLIA nih..ja0h gila lagi nak sampai target aku..b0san gila~sebab tu la aku accept 0ffer tu..s0ri b0ss~huhu..tapi aku bukan nak t0uch pasal tu..aku nak cakap pasal getting a JOB~
based 0n experience aku la (yang baru ja nak blaja id0p ni)..f0r student la, cam aku dulu 2 0r 3 months ahead bef0re abes study..aku dah start t0 send 0ut resume..unless la hangpa suma terer, p0inter gedabak punya excellent..keja yang cari hangpa..~huhu
s0, what i've d0ne;
br0wse j0bstreet + j0bsdb + jobsmalaysia = send CV & cover letter + apply + tawakkal...eq. (1)
search company based on type of business, location etc.;
if and only if the company have vacancy = send CV and cover letter!!...................eq. (2)
if not = send CV and cover letter!!...................................................eq. (3)
from eq. (2) and eq. (3); it can be said that if and only if
the company have vacancy 0r not = send je CV + cover letter........eq. (2)*(3)~lalala
subst. eq. (2)*(3) into eq. (1);
br0wse j0bstreet + j0bsdb + jobsmalaysia = the company have vacancy @ not + apply + tawakkal....eq. (1)*
br0wse j0bstreet + j0bsdb + jobsmalaysia - the company have vacancy 0r not
apply + tawakkal!!!
(insyaAllah 50% chances nak dpat keja dh ada instead 0f x send lansung!!)
apply + tawakkal!!!
(insyaAllah 50% chances nak dpat keja dh ada instead 0f x send lansung!!)
**note that '-' = regardless
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