Wednesday, May 27, 2009

ch@sing dre@ms~

...'bedebuk!!!"..bunyi mat jenin terjatuh dari pok0k kelapa @ pokok nYok..(tak memasal mula ngan s0und effect..budget dramatis..haha)..mati di situ juga serta-merta~


agak-agak la kan..kal0 mat jenin tu tak ikut ati sangat sampai t'lepas tangan tu mesti dia dah jadi kaya..rajin, dah rajin dah..angan-angan dah ada..tinggal nak usaha ja lagi, tapi nak wat camna..um0q pendek..and f0r me, i said we NEED to dream t0 create the future~

we need men who can dream of things that never were
~john f. kennedy

p/s: thomas edis0n nak wat ment0l p0n trY alm0st @ m0re than 1000 times..hurm,angan saja tak cukup~


  1. hey!!! kena mintak royalti neh!!!! suka2 ati curi my pic!!! hish2

  2. aii..t0long promote tu~haha
